If you speed over the limit some where and a cop pulls you over you will definitely receive a speeding ticket. A small incident like that is actually a legal matter and so is a robbery. The main difference is that the so called accused in these two separate scenarios is that only one incident will require a representation legally.
A brief introduction on categories of laws
There are two specific categories of legal related laws one is civil law which involved the whole area of legal issues which are not resulted in breaking the law or criminal activities. The areas covered by civil law are custody of a child, divorces, transaction in real estate and legal agreements. For example, if an accident occurs at your work place and you were injured you can consult great work injury lawyers. The other category of laws is criminal law. It involves in instances where the laws of the federal government or state is violated. Here there could be small offenses or serious crimes.
A complex divorce will need a lawyer
Not all divorce cases will require a lawyer specially if both parties have mutually agreed on every aspect regarding a split. But if it a nasty divorce you might need a lawyer. If you cannot come to agreement on problems relating property, custody of a child, debt, support, savings or investments you must get a lawyer as conditions of a closed divorce can only be changed in court. It will be very unwise to seek a lawyer in this case.
Discrimination at your work place will need a lawyer
In a wrongfully carried out termination of an employee or discrimination to an employee will involve not only state law but federal law as well. A normal person would not understand these differences hence seeking a lawyer is always better. Only qualified lawyers such as employment lawyers Gladstone will be able to help you through out the process.
A serious law suit against you will need a lawyer
If you are entitled to be sued and it may result you in a loss of money or property you must seek a lawyer. You having a law suit mean the other party is having a strong legal support. If you don’t have one there is a high chance you will be helpless. A lawyer can act as an excellent negotiator hence it will be beneficial for you. It is always better to know which incidences require a lawyer. These are only a little amount of incidences the presence of a lawyer is required. There are many more instances where you definitely must hire a lawyer for your own benefit and advantage.